Visualising the right nullspace for Stokes system using the anelastic liquid approximation (ALA)¶
This tutorial will demonstrate how to compute and provide the right-nullspace for pressure solutions in the Stokes system in G-ADOPT.
The nullspace (or kernel) of a matrix $M$ is defined as the set of all vectors $\mathbf{v}$ such that: $M\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}$ This includes all vectors that are mapped to the zero vector by the linear transformation represented by $M$. The dimension of this space, known as the nullity of $M$, indicates the number of linearly independent solutions to the equation $M\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}$.
Left Nullspace (Transpose Nullspace)¶
The left nullspace (or transpose nullspace) of a matrix $M$ is the nullspace of $M^T$, consisting of all vectors $\mathbf{w}$ that satisfy: $M^T\mathbf{w} = \mathbf{0}$. Vectors in the left nullspace are orthogonal to the columns of $M$, meaning each vector $\mathbf{w}$ is orthogonal to every column vector of $M$.
Approximations and Equations¶
In G-ADOPT, and in general for geodynamic applications, we have three approximations for the Stokes equations. [All the bar'ed variables (e. g., $\bar{\rho}$) are only radially varying].
Approximation | Equations |
(Extended) Boussinesq Approximation | $$\nabla \cdot u = 0$$ $$\nabla \cdot \mu[\nabla u + (\nabla u) ^ T] - \nabla p = \hat{e}_{r} Ra T$$ |
Truncated Anelastic Liquid Approximation(TALA) | $$\nabla \cdot \left(\bar{\rho} u\right) = 0$$ $$\nabla \cdot \mu[\nabla u + (\nabla u) ^ T - (2/3) \nabla \cdot u I] - \nabla p = \bar{g}\bar{\rho}\bar{\alpha}\hat{e}_{r} Ra T$$ |
Anelastic Liquid Approximation(ALA) | $$\nabla \cdot \left(\bar{\rho} u\right) = 0$$ $$\nabla \cdot \mu[\nabla u + (\nabla u) ^ T - (2/3) \nabla \cdot u I] - \nabla p + \bar{g} \bar{\rho} \bar{\chi}(D / \gamma_r)(\bar{C_v} / \bar{C_v}) p = \bar{g}\bar{\rho}\bar{\alpha} \hat{e}_{r} Ra T$$ |
Discrete Form and Pressure Nullspaces¶
In its simplest form of the discrete form, which is for the Boussinesq approximation, we have the notation:
$$ M \begin{pmatrix} u \\ p \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} A & B^T \\ B & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} u \\ p \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} f \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} $$
where $Au$ is the block associated with the strain-rate term, $B ^ T p$ is the gradient of pressure, and $B u$ is the continuity equation. When extending to TALA(see above), $M$ is not symmetric anymore, and it changes to,
$$ \begin{pmatrix} A ^ {\prime} & B ^ T \\ B_{\rho} & 0 \end{pmatrix} $$
with $B_{\rho}$ being the term associated with the mass conservation equation $\nabla \cdot \left(\bar{\rho} u\right)$. Furthermore, extending to ALA, we will have
$$ \begin{pmatrix} A ^ {\prime} & B ^ T + B_p \\ B_{\rho} & 0 \end{pmatrix} $$
with $B_p p$ associated with $\bar{g} \bar{\rho} \bar{\chi}(D / \gamma_r)(\bar{C_p} /\bar{C_v}) p$. Considering all the above, we will have the following for (right) nullspaces and transpose (left) nullspaces:
Approximation | Discrete Form | (Right) Nullspace | Transpose (Left) Nullspace |
Boussinesq Approximation | $$\begin{pmatrix} A & B ^ T \\ B & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}u \\ p\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}f \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$$ | Solution to $B ^ T v = 0$, which in strong form is $\nabla p = 0$, i.e. the nullspace consists of all constant pressure solutions | Solution to $B ^ T w = 0$, which in strong form is $\nabla p = 0$, i.e. the transpose nullspace consists of all constant pressure solutions. |
Truncated Anelastic Liquid Approximation(TALA) | $$\begin{pmatrix} A' & B ^ T \\ B_{\rho} & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}u \\ p\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}f \\ 0\end{pmatrix}$$ | Like above: Solution to $B ^ T v = 0$, which in strong form is $\nabla p = 0$, i.e. the nullspace consists of all constant pressure solutions. | Solution to $B_p ^ T w = 0$, which in weak form corresponds to $ - \int \nabla p \cdot \bar{\rho} u = 0$ for any $u\in V$, which analytically is $p = C$, i.e. the nullspace consists of all constant pressure solutions. |
Anelastic Liquid Approximation(ALA) | $$\begin{pmatrix} A' & B ^ T + \bar{B}_p \\ B_{\rho} & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}u \\ p\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}f \\ 0\end{pmatrix}$$ | Solution to $\left[B ^ {T} + \bar{B}_p\right] p = 0$. which in strong form is the solution to $\nabla p - \bar{g}\bar{\rho} \bar{\chi}(D / \gamma_r)(\bar{C_p} / \bar{C_v}) p \hat{e}_r = 0$ or analytically $p = C \exp(\int_r \bar{g}\bar{\rho} \bar{\chi}(D / \gamma_r)(\bar{C_p} / \bar{C_v}) dr)$ | Like above: Solution to $B_p^T w = 0$, which in strong form is $ - \int \nabla p \cdot \bar{\rho} u = 0$ which analytically is $p = C$, i.e. the nullspace consists of all constant pressure solutions. |
In other words, in most cases the nullspace for pressure consists simply consists of all constant pressure solutions, but with the Anelastic Liquid Approximation, the introduction of the pressure-dependent buoyancy term $B_p$ causes the nullspace solutions to be non-constant. Note that all of this only applies for closed domains, with a no-normal flow condition on all boundaries; If, on the other hand, at any boundary a stress condition is applied, there are no (nontrivial) pressure null modes, and so the nullspace is simply $\{0\}$.
How does it work in G-ADOPT¶
Here we demonstrate how the right-pressure nullspace is provided in G-ADOPT. As always we start by import gadopt.
from gadopt import *
For directly accessing the pressure nullspace we import ala_right_nullspace
withing G-ADOPT's stokes_integrators submodule.
from gadopt.stokes_integrators import ala_right_nullspace
From here on, the setup will be exactly as the demo for the Anelastic-Liquid Approximation case.
# Set up geometry:
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(40, 40, quadrilateral=True) # Square mesh generated via firedrake
mesh.cartesian = True
boundary = get_boundary_ids(mesh)
# Function spaces
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2) # Velocity function space (vector)
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) # Pressure function space (scalar)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2) # Temperature function space (scalar)
Z = MixedFunctionSpace([V, W]) # Mixed function space.
# Compressible reference state:
X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
T0 = Constant(0.091) # Non-dimensional surface temperature
Di = Constant(0.5) # Dissipation number.
Ra = Constant(1e5) # Rayleigh number
gruneisen = 1.0
rhobar = Function(Q, name="CompRefDensity").interpolate(exp(((1.0 - X[1]) * Di) / gruneisen))
Tbar = Function(Q, name="CompRefTemperature").interpolate(T0 * exp((1.0 - X[1]) * Di) - T0)
alphabar = Function(Q, name="IsobaricThermalExpansivity").assign(1.0)
cpbar = Function(Q, name="IsobaricSpecificHeatCapacity").assign(1.0)
chibar = Function(Q, name="IsothermalBulkModulus").assign(1.0)
ala = AnelasticLiquidApproximation(Ra, Di, rho=rhobar, Tbar=Tbar, alpha=alphabar, chi=chibar, cp=cpbar)
p = ala_right_nullspace(W, approximation=ala,
Note that the right-nullspace solution is calculated last, using ala_right_nullspace
which returns a Firedrake Function
which can be plotted as below:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
collection = tripcolor(p, axes=axes, cmap='coolwarm')
The nullspace based on this nullspace solution, should be provided to the Stokes solver for obtaining correct and efficient solutions.
In G-ADOPT this works using the same interface for generating stokes nullspaces, i.e. create_stokes_nullspace
. That is
for all practical matters, this is how we generate the right-nullspace for the stokes equations:
Z_nullspace = create_stokes_nullspace(
Z, closed=True, rotational=False,
where the anelastic-liquid approximation, and a domain for the top boundary is provided. In the case of the ALA approximation,
the transpose (left) nullspace, is simply the same as that for other approximations, and so we call create_stokes_nullspace
providing the AnelasticLiquidApproximation
object ala
Z_nullspace_transpose = create_stokes_nullspace(
Z, closed=True, rotational=False)